Diagnosing Arthritis: Tests and Evaluation

Diagnosing Arthritis: Tests and Evaluation

Dr. Dan Hoyumpa is your local doctor at Texan Family Clinic who can conduct testing for arthritis in San Antonio, TX. If you have this ailment, he has the expertise to help you manage it to reduce pain and inflammation so you can have a better quality of life.

What Is Arthritis?

This inflammatory condition happens due to wear and tear on joints. It can happen due to heredity, injury, obesity, or aging. There are different types of arthritis that one can be diagnosed with, such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and gout. When you have this condition, it can often lead to reduced mobility, joint pain, and joint damage.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Arthritis in San Antonio, TX?

If you have signs of arthritis, visit your local doctor to get a proper assessment. Your medical practitioner will conduct a thorough examination by checking your joints for range of motion, swelling, and tenderness. During a consultation, your doctor will ask about your lifestyle, habits, family history regarding arthritis, symptoms, and the location of the symptoms. 

MRI scans, x-rays, and ultrasounds provide detailed images of the affected joints and surrounding tissues. Your doctor may test for autoimmune issues and inflammation by running blood tests. He may also remove some fluid from your joint to analyze it. The series of tests can help diagnose whether you have a specific type of arthritis, such as gout versus rheumatoid arthritis, or if you have an infection causing temporary inflammation.

What Treatment Is Available?

Unfortunately, a diagnosis of arthritis does not come with a cure. However, your caring local doctor can provide various options to help manage your symptoms and prevent further deterioration of joints. Physical therapy can help improve muscle strength and increase your range of motion. 

Dr. Hoyumpa can also advise on lifestyle changes such as a balanced diet, proper exercise, and weight management. Keeping yourself at a healthy weight can reduce pressure on your joints, which can alleviate arthritic pain and pressure. If your joints wear down excessively, your doctor may perform a joint repair or replacement surgery. In some cases, bones may need to fuse at the joint in a process called arthrodesis.

Doctors can also prescribe various medications for relief. Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter solution that can reduce inflammation. Topical creams, such as capsaicin, can reduce pain signals. Prescribed steroids can reduce arthritic inflammation and pain. If you're dealing with rheumatoid arthritis, DMARDS drugs can help slow the progression.

Dr. Hoyumpa at the Texan Family Clinic is available for professional arthritis testing in San Antonio, TX. Call us at (210) 562-3125 for the diagnosis you need to move forward in your life.

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